February 14, 2012

The Innocence

There may not be a whole lot of time each day in our lives. A simple train ride for a single mom with her six year old daughter. The young girl excited to be on the train and to share her wonderful stories with her mom. The mom, hides her exhaustion after working countless tiring jobs to support them, smiles back. The moments. She's smiling, laughing, and just constantly being unable to remain seated for the duration of the ride.  She goes through and shows all the valentine cards she had received at school from her classmates. But there's one, it stands out, on one side its a picture of Barbie, the other a maze. Even if she did not know how to read, she is excited to do the maze. The card was given to her from her best friend. She tries, and tries to complete the maze... time after time, something goes wrong. She's determined to finish it. Why? Maybe she knew if she could do it, she could find her heart through the maze. The moment. She finishes it, glazes at her mom, and smiles...and thinks to herself "I did it..."

Just something I noticed and came up with on the train ride home after feeling miserable. Cherish those moments, as simple as a train ride home, and you'll notice the good around you. I'll end this post with a quote I just heard from a beautiful woman:

"You don't want to be young because you don't like the way things are. I don't blame you, but one day, you'll wake up and you'll be all grown up. It's inevitable." And being old ain't all dandy and awesome.

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