January 10, 2012

Self Update

"Do you remember when I said I'd always be there?" Didn't know it back then, that I'd still mean it today.

Anyways, it's been awhile again, so let's catch up again. Winter break went by just like that (although it was 3 weeks long). Right now? I'm back in school for my second semester at George Brown College's Hospitality Tourism Leisure program. I have begun applying for jobs in hopes of employment with my school schedule only consisting of 17hrs because of my two exemptions from accounting and general electives. Sad to say, but I want the income so I can travel come summer term for at least a month and maybe work for the remaining ones.

I think I have come to the realization that I should involve myself in all the different aspects of the hospitality tourism leisure industries if my ultimate career goal is to be accomplished. This means working for a hotel, airline, restaurant, resort, cruise, and just anything that has to do with tourism and hospitality and even leisure.

But yeah, enough about me, it's past midnight and I've got a 9am morning class tomorrow.

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